PROJECT 2017-18


CEIP LOS ALMENDROS (Rivas-Vaciamadrid  /  Madrid- Spain)

CONTACT: (Jose Espejo Salzedo)



CONTACT: (Elena Theophanous)


·         To establish, develop and maintain a lasting and sustainable relationship between schools with equal input from both partners.

·         To broaden the knowledge, appreciation and respect for other cultures and languages.

·         To explore the possibilities for staff and pupil mobility between our schools in the near future.


·         ICT will be the tool used for communication; so both schools should need a proper computer room/s with internet, webcam, mic and audio system.

·         We should aim to communicate via e-mail / chat / blog / webcam / hangout videoconference at least once every term to ensure regular and consistent lines of communication exist between our schools.

·         We have created a blog (whose user and password will be shared by both coordinators) in order to post activities, agreements, experiences, photos, etc.

·         The way to do exchanges will be based on using both Spanish and English in turns. For example first Chalgrove students will do their little presentations and questions in Spanish and Spanish students will listen to them and answer to their questions. Then Los Almendros students will do their little presentations and ask in English to Chalgrove students who will have to answer them.  


The project this academic year will try to provide our students with knowledge of both English and Spanish cultures. For that purpose we could focus on some of the following topics: FAMOUS PEOPLE, FAVOURITE BOOKS and FAVOURITE MUSIC. Students will be showing to their twin school peers their culture based on their free time habits: music, books and famous people. The idea is to achieve a connection between both cultures...different ones but at the same time...same interests...


MONTH FOR THE CONTACT: NOVEMBER 2017.(tuesday 21st + 28th)

Introduction to both school groups. The first contact might be based on:

1-Presentation of the web page for each school before the contact (create expectations). These are just ideas and suggestions...

2-Ask students to prepare a little presentation…maybe one or two representatives might do the videoconference in itself the established day. You might prepare  the presentation in groups before that, and then students might vote the one they like best. This might be based on: Saying their names, ages of the group, where is the school located, what’s the weather like…an introduction…and the move onto the famous character or characters chosen. Remember the chracters have to be English for Chalgrove and Spanish for Los Almendros...then after the presentation there will be an open turn of questions in turns. (these questions should be sent in advance to each school so they have plenty of time to prepare them). This exchange shouldn't last longer than 45 minutes. (20 minutes each school).

Before that we can post in the blog what students have been preparing for the exchange, little by little... since both coordinators are going to have the chance to sign in for the e-twinning blog.

At the beginning of  November 2017 we will establish a “schedule” for the contacts and exchange. This year will be done on tuesdays. What time and date would be the exchange for 9 years old students, 10 years old students…etc. In order to do so coordinators will exchange their groups timetables and will find when to do so. But before that we can exchange emails with different works, photos.

TASK-FOLLOW UP ACTIVITY: After that first contact we will be sending Christmas cards to each correspondent group on Christmas for DECEMBER 2017. This will be collected by both coordinators during the first week of December so there is enough time to be sent to each school before Christmas holidays 22nd December.

·         SECOND TERM TOPIC: FAVOURITE BOOK.(reading habits, favourite ones...)

MONTH FOR THE CONTACT: MARCH 2018 (tuesday 7th-14th)

1-During the month of January and February both schools, and its different groups, will prepare the exchange. As an idea or suggestion split up students in groups of 5. Each group might be working in a wall chart where everything will be explained by drawings, tables, pics, etc…or maybe a PowerPoint presentation...what do they usually read in class, when do they read at school, talk about the library...what do they like best about reading...their favourite books... For example, for each age level there will be 4-5 groups of 5 members approx. So one group works on reading habits, another group on reading surveys, another favourite books at their age, free time reading.... Then, as in the first exchange, students will have to ask each other what some questions; which will be agreed and sent before hand to each school and level, so students can prepare them, etc.

During these two months coordinators will compile photos and will be using the blog to post what are students doing before the real exchange in MARCH 2018.

2-Again coordinators will concrete a timetable for the exchange. The works will  be sent before hand to each coordinator through photos for example. But the day of the exchange the members in each group will explain their wall chart to the other school group. Again representatives voted will do it  the established day. Teachers might prepare in groups the presentation before that. This exchange might last 45 minutes.(20 minutes each school).


MONTH FOR THE CONTACT: JUNE 2018 (tuesday 5th+12th)

1-    The idea is to give each school the information about famous spanish songs, singers...and at the same time show who are their favourite singers and songs...

2-    Again both schools will be working before the exchange during the months of April and May. Students will prepare again a little presentation. This time, as a suggestion and in order to be a bit faster during the exchange, we could prepare one presentation in “power point” for each group level. Including photos, dates, etc….probably the power point could be done by the teacher…but with the suggestions and ideas of students. The day of the exchange the presentations might be sent before hand. So each teacher will “play” the presentation from the other school group and at the same time some students through mic and hangout videoconference might explain what it is.

During these two months coordinators will compile photos and will be using the blog to post what are students doing before the real exchange in JUNE 2018.

2-Again coordinators will concrete a timetable for the exchange. The power point will be sent before hand to each coordinator through email (so we can check it works). This exchange might last 45 minutes.(20 minutes each school)

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