miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017

First video conference of the term 2017

¡¡Hola Almendros!! 

We really enjoyed your presentations and thought your English was very impressive we hope you enjoyed ours too as we worked really hard on our Spanish pronunciation!

We presented the following 4 famous English people: David Beckham, J. K. Rowling, The Queen and John Lennon.

A picture of our year 6 class enjoying your presentation.

"Thank you Conde Arruga  for your presentations. We  learnt a lot about famous people in your country." (Brooke  Year 6)

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017


¡¡Hola Chalgrove!! 

Nos ha encantado volver a saber de vosotros...ha sido muy interesante los personajes famosos de quienes nos habéis hablado.


We have enjoyed a lot...thanks again!!! and MERRY CHRISTMAS




Thank you Chalgrove for your presentations. We have learnt about famous people in your country.
Nosotros esperamos que hayáis disfrutado con nuestras presentaciones. 

See you soon!

Prep time...

jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017


¡¡¡HOLA!!! HELLO!!!

Welcome back to everyone!!!

A new academic course has just started...we hope this year everyhing goes great. Both school have already stablished this year project...have a look!!!! click on it!!!.

Our first exchange will be in November and based on FAMOUS PEOPLE...will see what to we both learn from each culture...


domingo, 30 de julio de 2017

Summer Term International School project

 Summer term project Festivals 2017

A big thank you to our twin school Los Almendros for making our summer project the best yet! Each class at Chalgrove prepared a presentation and poster about a summer festival happening in London.

Year 3-  Nottting Hill Carnival
Year 4 - Trooping of the colour
Year 5- The Chelsea Flower show
Year 6- Boishakhi Mela

We made some posters for our twin school which we hope to send so they can put them up in their classrooms. We learnt so much about these festivals in London some we had not heard about like Boishaki Mela. We enjoyed presenting each one in Spanish during the skype sessions and answering your excellent questions in English.  During this project we also learnt about your Spanish festivals and we feel thanks to this exchange, we have learnt to be more tolerant and respectful to other cultures and beliefs. We also were able to use Spanish in everyday life and we feel sure we have developed our confidence and curiosity in speaking a foreign language and respecting the festivals and culture of other countries.

Here are some pictures of our posters and us during the skype sessions enjoy!

Summer Term Twin International School Project

Summer term twin school project

Here is year 4s poster they prepared for you on the Trooping of the colour:

Year 4 particularly enjoyed working on this during the 2 weeks we watched videos and shared real stories as some of our children had experienced this festival for real! We prepared our short presentation in Spanish to tell you all about this important festival which takes place in London every summer. We enjoyed your questions in English some of them we did not know the answer to and we had to look it up! We enjoyed learning all about it and getting to practise our Spanish at the same time.We hope to send our poster to you soon so you can read more about it and enjoy our pictures and photos. Here is our class during the skype session.

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


Year 4 graders had their 2nd call language exchange with Chalgrove School...have a look to their photos...THEY LOVED IT!!!

Aquí está el otro grupo...también disfrutaron y aprendieron mucho...


Year 3 made a lot different activities to prepare their 2nd call...
  • Realizado un arcoíris para familiarizarnos con el vocabulario relacionado con frutas y verduras
  • Pintado y recortado diferentes tipos de comida
  • Después  hemos pegado en la caja los ingredientes clasificándolos de acuerdo con las diferentes comidas: desayuno, comida, cena, merienda etc.
  • Practicado la escritura de los conceptos que más nos costaban como salchicha, berenjena, lechuga
  • Reflexionado sobre los hábitos saludables y una dieta equilibrada
  • Escrito preguntas  y se han elegido usar en el intercambio las que más se repitieron
  • Hemos cantado, jugado y lo hemos pasado muy bien.
Have a look to their pics...

One of the groups had its own call...¡¡¡les encantó a todos!!!

Finally last wednesday 23rd March 3ºC had its language exchange call...they loved it!!! Les encantó....