martes, 25 de octubre de 2016



5th graders have been very enthusiastic about the chance to exchange both languages Spanish and English...They've been preparing questions, searching for information on Internet, looking for maps, etc...Here are some photos...

Students comments: "Va a ser una gran experiencia". ..."Yo quisiera ir a visitarles"..."¿Tendrán nuestras mismas asignaturas?"
In a couple of weeks we will have our real language exchange...looking forward to it!!!!

We've also been preparing a song...with a little dance...
                                   ¡¡QUÉ DIVERTIDO!!

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016

Preparing for our first contact with our twin school

Preparing for our first contact with our twin school

Chalgrove school is delighted to be twinned with Alemendros school. Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 are very lucky to have the fantastic opportunity to practise the Spanish they have been learning in class in a real context over several skype sessions with Alemendros. They will get to meet and speak with children their own age and discuss various topics they have been working on in class.

We have been preparing some questions in Spanish to ask you about your school.

When we looked at your school's website in class some of the year 4 children expressed an interest in  exploring the local area so we used google maps street view to go for a virtual walk around your school. Here are some photos:

Some of the children's comments were: "It's a very nice area" "There are lots of nice big houses". We noticed the street signs in Spanish and one child recognised the word: "calle" (Street)


Hello!!!     ¡¡¡Holaaaa!!!

Find here some photos with 6th graders searching for information on Internet and preparing the questions and answers for the exchange...WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!!

One of them said: "Yo quiero conocerles ya..."  another one said: "Y si les preguntamos por sus profesores..."  "Podríamos mandarles fotos de nuestra celebración de Halloween..."